
San Diego Trump rally: Will ‘free speech zones’ work?


What do you think of San Diego's 'free speech zone' plan at the Donald Trump rally?

It's reasonable. 36% (939)

It's unfortunate but police have no choice. 33% (852)

It's an overreaction. 6% (149)

It's an affront to free speech. 26% (672)

2612 total votes.

For months now, Donald Trump rallies from Chicago to Albuquerque have been the source of violent protests.

With just hours to go until San Diego's first Trump event, its police department has created a "contingency" plan in hopes of avoiding the dangerous situations that have occurred elsewhere in California.

In San Diego, the strategy is to try to have protesters and supporters stay within separate blocked off areas, which law enforcement officials are calling "free speech zones."

“We do recognize the First Amendment rights of all individuals of people who protest peacefully,” San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman said this week. “I am going to emphasize peacefully.”

The department released a map of the zoned-off areas for Trump supporters and protesters Wednesday, which drew a bit of discussion online.

San Diego's "free speech zones"
