
100-degree heat, storms turn San Diego suddenly into Florida


A wild day of muggy, 100-degree weather followed by fast-moving thunderstorms turned San Diego into Florida Tuesday.

San Diegans were beside themselves with disbelief and cell phone cameras as gusting winds beat on building windows, trees toppled to the ground, power was knocked out across the county and streets pooled with standing water.

Weather play-by-play flooded (sorry) everyone's Twitter timelines before tweets assessing the damage emerged with the sun.

Longtime San Diegans said they'd never seen anything like the sudden, strange weather caused by the remnants of Odile, which heavily damaged parts of Los Cabos, Mexico, Sunday.

Granted, that's not saying much when it's 65 and sunny most every day. But all you out-of-towners laughing at us? Let us have our love/hate relationship with the unusual.

'Turning into Florida'? Nooooo!
